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Fey Tarot

Knight of Wands


There are no limits or boundaries for this Fey. Her travels depend only on her will and curiosity, on hers thirst for new experiences. Each thing, colour, sound, or smell, bring smiles and joy. The Knight of Wands throws herself enthusiastically into whatever she undertakes.

The Image

Among the highest trees, far from earth and almost in the kingdom of the heavens, a laughing, confident Fey rides a multi-coloured bird, standing in her stirrups to push her mount even higher.

Simple Meaning

Traveller, adventurer, player, enthusiastic spirit.

Advanced Meaning

To live life as an adventure means dealing with every obstacle and barrier as a challenge. In this way the more difficult things appear to be, the stronger the stimulus to deal with them. It is also a violent force, but not hostile and destructive, only at times a little egocentric.